Anniversary Contest

Well who would say but exactly 10 months have passed since this blog started and
after some thought I decided to start my anniversary contest now to give some time because to those willing to participate since my  objective of the contest is to gather as many Wharhammer 40k conversions as possible.

so better to give you  the  RULEZ
  • I will start receiving pictures of your submissions via email (werner.oroxon at gmail) starting today and I will stop receiving on July 8, 2010.
  • For your submission to be accepted I want you to be a follower
  • Winner will be choozed on July 9 to commemorate my first anniversary blogging
  • Just one more thing I want to participate in Santa Cruz Warhammer Great Chain Give Away so the winner might need to offer one give away in his or her  own blog.
  • Updated rule: it is ok to post WIP post in your blogs and also completed works as long as the post includes a link to my contest to increase trafic here (hehehe).
The drawing will be random and bases on on a point based tickets with bonus that will use the  following rulez

  1. You get 1 point for each submission.
  2. If it is painted you get 1 extra point
  3. If it is ork based it getz another 2 points
  4. if completely scratchbuilt it will get another 2 points. (To further your creativity). 

Update: Since I received some good questions from flekzzo I decided to update the contest info:

First you are free to send as many submissions as you want  and squads are free to enter.

If a submission doesn't qualify I will let you now as soon as possible so you can update and still enter the contest.

So what you get for entering my contest:

    The prize is one gift certificate for $100 from the warstore to further your conversion ideas.

    here are two examples hehehe look carefully to get a good idea.e:

    additionally there will be a $50 prize for the MVF 


    1. 1. How many submissions can one single person enter with?
      2. Are squads ok?
      3. How much conversion is needed for a conversion?

      And most importantly:

      4. Waaagh!

    2. Ok Flekzzo I will update the post answering your questions but here are the up to the minute answers:

      1: The number of submition is open ended so it is up to you
      2: Squads are acepted.
      3: a single reposition is not considered a conversion but mixing parts from diferent miniatures is ok in either case i will let the submiter know if it is not ok.

      and for the last point WAAGH¡ is uterly important.

    3. I had the feeling my Assault Marines weren't enough:) But to rectify that I started some green kitbashing tonight. Going to add something to the base as well. Make it well and truly Waaagh!

      Warboss Flekkzo.

    4. Awesome contest! I hope we see a lot of good ideas and conversions!

      Just a question- What's an MVF?



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